Tube Adapter Assembly One Inch and Under
Learn how to assemble Swagelok Tube Adapters that are one inch and smaller to enable fitting-to-fitting connections and help eliminate difficult alignment problems and reduce inventories.
Using a Swagelok® Multihead Hydraulic Swaging Unit (MHSU)
Pre-swage a set of ferrules to specific tubing sizes using the Swagelok® Multihead Hydraulic Swaging Unit (MHSU).
Using a Hand Tube Bender
Watch how Swagelok® hand tube benders provide consistent, high-quality bends in tubing.
Installing a VCR® Metal Gasket Face Seal Fitting
Swagelok® VCR metal gasket face seal fittings offer the high purity of a metal-to-metal seal, providing leak-tight service from vacuum to positive pressure.
PTFE Tape Application
Use PTFE Tape as a thread sealant on male tapered pipe threads to aid in sealing.
SWAK Application
Use Swagelok SWAK anaerobic thread sealant to provide reliable sealing on metal pipe threads.
Port Connector Assembly
A port connector enables fitting-to-fitting connections via a machined ferrule connection on one end and a tube adapter connection on the opposite end.
Plug Assembly Video
Via a simple installation process, Swagelok plugs are used to block a fitting port when needed.
Cap Assembly
Swagelok caps are used to block off the end of a tube run and are installed using the same procedure as a tube fitting.
Tube Adapter Assembly One Inch and Under
The Swagelok Tube Adapter complements the Swagelok tube fitting and allows fitting-to-fitting connections to help eliminate difficult alignment problems and reduce inventories.
Tube Fitting Installation
Review the three steps involved in installing a Swagelok Tube Fitting and two of the most common installation errors.
Identifying Thread Pitch & Size
Learn to identify thread pitch and size using calipers, a pitch gauge and a thread identification guide.